Survivor Empowerment Walk – Martin County


Survivor Empowerment Walk

Sexual Assault Awareness Starts in the Community.

We will be holding signs of empowerment and showing survivors that the community supports and believes them. After the walk we will have survivors and supporters sharing a message followed by a candlelight vigil to show survivors they are believed and supported here. There will be resources provided for anyone needing more information or learning about the services in your area.

If you or a survivor you know is interested in sharing your story, poem, quote, or message of support please contact Siobhan McGoorty at or 772-201-8832 to be added to the list. There will be 2 minutes allotted for each speaker.

Date: April 12th 2024

Location: Gazebo Park, 80 SE Ocean Blvd. Stuart, FL 34994

Time: 6:00PM-8:00PM

If you are interested in being involved or providing resources at this event, please contact Siobhan McGoorty saaptc19@gmail and 772-201-8832.

Rape Crisis Counselors will be present at all locations for survivors that are triggered and need support.